

Found a beer that I liked in Yosemite. (Sierra Nevada). There are photos in the gallery. They speak for themselves.

Fire Fire

A visit to the Sacramento Music Circus was rudely interrupted when shortly into the second act there was a  blaring of Klaxons and a flashing of lights. The actors continued with their lines for a short while, so I assumed that this might be part of the show;  it is well known that Americans enjoy loud noise and neon. Eventually, it dawned on everyone that this was a real alarm. So the two and one half thousand people (My estimate) quietly roused themselves and exited onto the street.

Shortly after, large fire tenders arrived and be-helmeted individuals, who must have been gasping in the evening temperatures that we are experiencing here at present’ were disgorged. They disappeared into the theatre. The arrival of the fire brigade was applauded and I felt that this might also be part of the show. Twenty minutes or so later the firemen returned to a light ripple of applause. However, when the fire engine slowly moved off the ovation was as that received by performers in a brilliantly performed show. “These firemen must be really talented”, I thought.

The Chinese Buffet

I have discovered why the general population here are rather on the large side. They eat enormous amounts of food in buffets. Here for a set price you can gorge for hours and no-one seems to mind. I reckon that the person I saw at the Mexican restaurant last month must be a regular at such places. I noticed that there were a lot of islanders present.

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