Sacramento Museum of Art & Locke

Thursday 8th June

Went to the cinema to a Wonder woman film. Again, the children were hugging their enormous hampers: popcorn, doughnuts, m&ms and a massive coke. Now I know why the adults are so large; they must eat that which the children leave.


Friday 9th June

Quiet day. Sauntered up to the city booked tickets for the theatre (Shobner and Korio have been to a play before); I hope that thay are not expecting popcorn. Afterwards we had a leisurely stroll around the Art History Museum. It was an impressive collection of sculpture, ceramics, paintings and artefacts from many parts of the world. In the evening Koroi took me to hi table tennis club.  I played losing all three games in the lowest division. I am aching all over this morning, (Saturday). Have observed that getting around Sacramento is fairly easy what with having a well integrated public transport sytem and Uber, The drivers are considerate and they have an underutilized cycle path network. I am surprised that there are few bikes.


After the great Sacramento floods a large number of Chinese were employed to erect levees and raise Sacramento city. The Chinese built their own village at Locke some 30 Ks from the city centre. Now, Locke has only some 12 or so Chinese residents the remaining inhabitable shacks being  the homes of arty types. Some of the buildings have been, to some extent, restored to become historical tourist attractions. Many of the items on display were very similar to those which my grandparents were still using in the 1950s. The old public house still operates and seems to be a favorite haunt for bikers. Most of the exhibits epitomized the Chinese way of life in the late 1800s; the restored buildings included a brothel, gambling saloon, schoolhouse ( Little desks with ink wells that I remember as a child,} and an old style boarding house. We enjoyed wondering around imagining what life would have been like in those days.

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